Monthly Directors Meeting
Our Directors meetings are the generally the 4th Tuesday of the Month at the space. Sometimes they might change because of scheduling conflicts with our volunteer board. We will send out a notice in the newsletter if the meeting date changes.
Makerspace Open House
Tuesday night at 7pm is our new date for our open house. Drop by the space if you are thinking of becoming a new member or want to see if Makerspace Nanaimo is a good fit for you. We have members on hand to give you a tour of the space and sign you up if you like. If you have already signed up online this is a good time to drop by the space and get your membership finalized and your FOB for the building.
Please note: If you are thinking of attending our open house please send an email to to confirm and that our tours start at 7:15 pm.
Monthly clean up for the space
The first Saturday of the month is our clean up of the space. We pick the first Saturday so that we can make the place clean for MakeTime for Kids which is held the next Saturday. We encourage members to drop by on Saturday to help with the clean up and meet other members. We have pizza at the end of the cleanup.
Metal Shop Monday
Certification on the metal working equipment, mentorship on projects and assistance with all forms of metal work and repairs is offered on Monday nights. Come in at 7pm to meet with other members interested in creating solid, lasting projects.
Electronics Night
Each Wednesday is Electronics night. Drop by at 7pm and meet with the other members who have a keen interest in things Electronic. Got questions on how to fix that old piece of electronic equipment? Wednesday is the day for that. You would be surprised at the knowledge of the members who attend.
Wood Shop Night
Each Thursday is Wood Shop night. Want to get certified to work on the various wood working equipment? Thursday is the best time for that. Got some questions on a project that you are planning and how to proceed? Thursday is the best time for that. Drop by at 7pm and meet with other members and share some knowledge and stories.